Exporting a Trained Model for Serving

Once you have trained an Estimator model, you may want to create a service from that model that takes requests and returns a result. You can run such a service locally on your machine or deploy it scalably in the cloud.

To prepare a trained Estimator for serving, you must export it in the standard SavedModel format, which wraps the TensorFlow graph, the trained variable values, any required assets, and metadata together in a hermetic package.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to:

  • Add graph nodes that accept and prepare inference requests
  • Specify the output nodes and the corresponding APIs that can be served (Classify, Regress, or Predict)
  • Export your model to the SavedModel format
  • Deploy the model in Google Cloud ML Engine and request predictions
  • Serve the model from a local server and request predictions

The exported graph and its signatures

The export procedure assembles a new TensorFlow graph from two main components: 1) a Serving Input Receiver that defines the format of the inputs to be accepted, and 2) the trained model itself.

An exported SavedModel contains that combined graph packaged together with one or more signatures. Like a function signature in any programming language, a graph signature specifies the required inputs (arguments) and the expected outputs (return values) of performing the computation. In the typical case, a single signature is present, corresponding to the predictions that the model has learned to make.

The input portion of the signature is determined by the Serving Input Receiver. To specify the inputs that your deployed model will accept, you must provide a serving_input_receiver_fn() to estimator.export_savedmodel() (see below).

The output portion of the signature is determined by the model. For instance, canned Estimators know the nature of the outputs they produce (e.g. whether the output is a classification or a regression, and the type and shape of those outputs). Custom Estimators must provide this information via export_outputs (see below).

Note: A multi-headed model provides multiple signatures, each corresponding to a different "head", i.e. a set of predictions that can be made from the same inputs by executing a subgraph of the complete trained graph. The output portions of these signatures are determined by the model.

Overview of exporting a SavedModel from Estimator

Preparing serving inputs

During training, an input_fn() ingests data and prepares it for use by the model. At serving time, similarly, a serving_input_receiver_fn() accepts inference requests and prepares them for the model. The purpose of this function is to add placeholders to the graph which the serving system will feed with inference requests, as well as to add any additional ops needed to convert data from the input format into the feature Tensors expected by the model. The function returns a tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver object, which packages the placeholders and the resulting feature Tensors together.

A typical pattern is that inference requests arrive in the form of serialized tf.Examples, so the serving_input_receiver_fn() creates a single string placeholder to receive them. The serving_input_receiver_fn() is then also responsible for parsing the tf.Examples by adding a tf.parse_example op to the graph.

When writing such a serving_input_receiver_fn(), you must pass a parsing specification to tf.parse_example to tell the parser what feature names to expect and how to map them to Tensors. A parsing specification takes the form of a dict from feature names to tf.FixedLenFeature, tf.VarLenFeature, and tf.SparseFeature. (Note this parsing specification should not include any label or weight columns, since those will not be available at serving time—in contrast to a parsing specification used in the input_fn() at training time.)

In combination, then:

feature_spec = {'foo': tf.FixedLenFeature(...),
                'bar': tf.VarLenFeature(...)}

def serving_input_receiver_fn():
  """An input receiver that expects a serialized tf.Example."""
  serialized_tf_example = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string,
  receiver_tensors = {'examples': serialized_tf_example}
  features = tf.parse_example(serialized_tf_example, feature_spec)
  return tf.estimator.export.ServingInputReceiver(features, receiver_tensors)

The tf.estimator.export.build_parsing_serving_input_receiver_fn utility function provides that input receiver for the common case.

Note: when training a model to be served using Google Cloud ML Engine (see below), the parsing step is not needed, because the model will receive raw feature data. This is also true when using the Predict API with a local server.

Even if you require no parsing or other input processing—i.e., if the serving system will feed feature Tensors directly—you must still provide a serving_input_receiver_fn() that creates placeholders for the feature Tensors and passes them through. The tf.estimator.export.build_raw_serving_input_receiver_fn utility provides for this.

If these utilities do not meet your needs, you are free to write your own serving_input_receiver_fn(). One case where this may be needed is if your training input_fn() incorporates some preprocessing logic that must be recapitulated at serving time. To reduce the risk of training-serving skew, we recommend encapsulating such processing in a function which is then called from both input_fn() and serving_input_receiver_fn().

Performing the export

To export your trained Estimator, call tf.estimator.Estimator.export_savedmodel with the export base path, together with the serving_input_receiver_fn.

estimator.export_savedmodel(export_dir_base, serving_input_receiver_fn)

This method builds a new graph by first calling the serving_input_receiver_fn() to obtain feature Tensors, and then calling this Estimator's model_fn() to generate the model graph based on those features. It starts a fresh Session, and, by default, restores the most recent checkpoint into it. (A different checkpoint may be passed, if needed.) Finally it creates a timestamped export directory below the given export_dir_base (i.e., export_dir_base/<timestamp>), and writes a SavedModel into it containing a single MetaGraphDef saved from this Session.

Note: there is currently no built-in mechanism to garbage-collect old exports, so successive exports will accumulate under export_dir_base unless deleted by some external means.

Specifying the outputs of a custom model

When writing a custom model_fn, you must populate the export_outputs element of the tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec return value. This is a dict of {name: output} describing the output signatures to be exported and used during serving.

In the usual case of making a single prediction, this dict contains one element, and the name is immaterial. In a multi-headed model, each head is represented by an entry in this dict. In this case the name is a string of your choice that can be used to request a specific head at serving time.

Each output value must be an ExportOutput object such as tf.estimator.export.ClassificationOutput, tf.estimator.export.RegressionOutput, or tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput.

These output types map straightforwardly to the TensorFlow Serving APIs, and so determine which request types will be honored.

Note: In the multi-headed case, a SignatureDef will be generated for each element of the export_outputs dict returned from the model_fn, named using the same keys. These signatures differ only in their outputs, as provided by the corresponding ExportOutput entry. The inputs are always those provided by the serving_input_receiver_fn. An inference request may specify the head by name. One head must be named using signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY indicating which signature will be served when an inference request does not specify one.

Serving the exported model on Google Cloud ML Engine

Google Cloud ML Engine provides a fully managed, scalable environment for serving your trained SavedModels to make online or batch predictions.

Please see Deploying Models to learn how to deploy your SavedModel on Cloud ML Engine.

Note: Cloud ML Engine accepts inference requests in JSON, CSV, or TFRecords formats, depending on the circumstance. Parsing these formats is not the responsibility of the graph. Cloud ML Engine does the parsing for you, and feeds raw feature data directly into the graph. Thus, when targeting Cloud ML Engine, you should use a serving_input_receiver_fn() of the passthrough form that simply creates placeholders for each feature.

Requesting predictions from Google Cloud ML Engine

To learn how to request predictions from a model deployed in Cloud ML Engine, please see:

Serving the exported model locally

For local deployment, you can serve your model using Tensorflow Serving, an open-source project that loads a SavedModel and exposes it as a gRPC service.

First, install TensorFlow Serving.

Then build and run the local model server, substituting $export_dir_base with the path to the SavedModel you exported above:

bazel build //tensorflow_serving/model_servers:tensorflow_model_server
bazel-bin/tensorflow_serving/model_servers/tensorflow_model_server --port=9000 --model_base_path=$export_dir_base

Now you have a server listening for inference requests via gRPC on port 9000!

Requesting predictions from a local server

The server responds to gRPC requests according to the PredictionService gRPC API service definition. (The nested protocol buffers are defined in various neighboring files).

From the API service definition, the gRPC framework generates client libraries in various languages providing remote access to the API. In a project using the Bazel build tool, these libraries are built automatically and provided via dependencies like these (using Python for example):

  deps = [

Python client code can then import the libraries thus:

from tensorflow_serving.apis import classification_pb2
from tensorflow_serving.apis import regression_pb2
from tensorflow_serving.apis import predict_pb2
from tensorflow_serving.apis import prediction_service_pb2

Note: prediction_service_pb2 defines the service as a whole and so is always required. However a typical client will need only one of classification_pb2, regression_pb2, and predict_pb2, depending on the type of requests being made.

Sending a gRPC request is then accomplished by assembling a protocol buffer containing the request data and passing it to the service stub. Note how the request protocol buffer is created empty and then populated via the generated protocol buffer API.

from grpc.beta import implementations

channel = implementations.insecure_channel(host, int(port))
stub = prediction_service_pb2.beta_create_PredictionService_stub(channel)

request = classification_pb2.ClassificationRequest()
example = request.input.example_list.examples.add()

result = stub.Classify(request, 10.0)  # 10 secs timeout

The returned result in this example is a ClassificationResponse protocol buffer.

This is a skeletal example; please see the Tensorflow Serving documentation and examples for more details.

Note: ClassificationRequest and RegressionRequest contain a tensorflow.serving.Input protocol buffer, which in turn contains a list of tensorflow.Example protocol buffers. PredictRequest, by contrast, contains a mapping from feature names to values encoded via TensorProto. Correspondingly: When using the Classify and Regress APIs, TensorFlow Serving feeds serialized tf.Examples to the graph, so your serving_input_receiver_fn() should include a tf.parse_example() Op. When using the generic Predict API, however, TensorFlow Serving feeds raw feature data to the graph, so a passthrough serving_input_receiver_fn() should be used.

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